Thursday, 15 June 2023

OJIPA, coming soon!

The Ottawa Journal of International and Public Affairs, published by Ghazipur Ltd, will be available at the end of July 2023. It will be published electronically, quarterly, and in both English and French. The concept began in 2020, and the first issue should have been released two years ago.



We are now set to start, and we invite young academics, researchers, and PhD holders from all over the world to send abstracts or papers in English or French on any topic of international and public affairs to PhD students are also encouraged to contribute.

OJIPA issues will all be deposited at the British Library, and at the National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales, the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, the Cambridge University Library, and the Library, Trinity College Dublin.

Geopolitics Event

Hervé Théry : Quelle géopolitique du Brésil sous Bolsonaro ?