Ghazipur Ltd's journals are open to all submissions.
Authors are kindly requested to observe the following guidelines when preparing their manuscripts:
Authors are kindly requested to observe the following guidelines when preparing their manuscripts:
- Articles must be written in Calibri 10, 1.15 line spacing, and in Microsoft Word or Google Doc.
- All illustrations (graphics, diagrams, maps, etc.) must have a title and a source. They must be numbered accordingly. All figures must be submitted as separate files of adequate resolution. Their location must be clearly indicated in the text.
- Particular attention must be paid to punctuation in French: French inverted commas, accented capitals, non-breaking spaces, and the moderate use of capitals in accordance with typographical rules.
- Canadian English and Canadian French are used in our journals.
- An abstract, in French or English, must accompany the article, with an average of five keywords.
The Editorial Office undertakes to respond as quickly as possible. It may also ask authors for amendments and clarifications.
Submission of a contribution implies acceptance by the author of the conditions of publication set out in this document. Submissions may be sent to the following e-mail address:
The articles and other papers published in our journals remain the property of Ghazipur Ltd and any reproduction or translation, even partial, requires the prior authorisation of the Editor of the relevant journal and the Publisher. Furthermore, any article or paper sent in French or English, or in any other language, may be freely translated into English or French (or any other language) by the Publisher, in agreement with the Editor of the concerned journal, for publication purposes.
Authors will receive, free of charge, a digital copy of the issue of the journal in which their article(s) or paper(s) has/have been published. Under no circumstances may they transfer or share this copy, post it on the Internet or reproduce it in any way whatsoever, even in part, without the Publisher's written permission.
Last updated: 25 October 2023.
Submission of a contribution implies acceptance by the author of the conditions of publication set out in this document. Submissions may be sent to the following e-mail address:
The articles and other papers published in our journals remain the property of Ghazipur Ltd and any reproduction or translation, even partial, requires the prior authorisation of the Editor of the relevant journal and the Publisher. Furthermore, any article or paper sent in French or English, or in any other language, may be freely translated into English or French (or any other language) by the Publisher, in agreement with the Editor of the concerned journal, for publication purposes.
Authors will receive, free of charge, a digital copy of the issue of the journal in which their article(s) or paper(s) has/have been published. Under no circumstances may they transfer or share this copy, post it on the Internet or reproduce it in any way whatsoever, even in part, without the Publisher's written permission.
Last updated: 25 October 2023.