Tuesday, 8 August 2023

The Ottawa Journal of International and Public Affairs (OJIPA) is out!


OJIPA Vol. 1, No. 1 Cover

The first issue of the Ottawa Journal of International and Public Affairs (OJIPA) is finally out! It is on sale for 15 EUR (13 GBP) and can be purchased here.

In this first issue, we feature an in-depth interview with renowned South African and Mauritian activist and author Lindsey Collen, an article by Associate Professor Dr. William Guéraiche on the representation of French citizens abroad, an analysis by Professor Dr. Nitish Monebhurrun of the functional paralysis of the Enterprise in relation to the seabed, a geopolitical reading of the issue of the visibility of the new moon by Associate Professor Dr. Shafick Osman, an account by Associate Professor Dr. Iqbal Akhtar of his chairmanship of Jain Studies in North America, a questioning of the place of philosophy in education and the acquisition of knowledge by Associate Professor Dr. Issa Asgarally, and finally a review of Hamlet Isaxanli's book My Karabakh or The Karabakh Knot by Dr. Moussa Baccus.

Geopolitics Event

Hervé Théry : Quelle géopolitique du Brésil sous Bolsonaro ?