Outre-Terre is a themed journal, each issue is published around a hot spot of the planet or a specific/global issue of the day. The journal is open to a wide array of specialists in their fields (journalists, consultants, members of think tanks, etc.) and not restricted to only academics and researchers. However, the journal follows a rigorous approach in the selection of articles and development of arguments.
Outre-Terre is an independent journal having no affiliation whatsoever with any national, regional or international organisation or university/research centre. From a French-language only journal, it is now becoming a bilingual one, offering articles in both French and English. We believe that Geopolitics is not science -like History- but the treatment of geopolitical articles need scientific methodology, in-depth expertise of the subject, meticulous referencing, precise data, accurate maps and appropriate charts/illustrations.
The thorough knowledge of a subject entails the mastery of the language(s) relevant to the subject and the ‘deep’ history of the concerned subject – These are the exigencies that we require from our authors and collaborators. We are happy to have published to date, more than 1,000 articles and interviews from authors from every corner of the Earth on very diverse subjects and issues.
All issues of Outre-Terre can be found online at cairn.info.
Outre-Terre Team
Founder and Director: Emeritus Professor Michel Korinman, Paris-Sorbonne.
Editor-in-chief (France): Laurent Amelot, Asie21, Institut Thomas More
Editor-in-chief (International - French): Dr. Sébastien Goulard, Cooperans.
Editor-in-chief (International - English): Dr. Adrien Rodd, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
Deputy Editor-in-chief: Dr. Shafick Osman, Florida International University; Dr. David Teutrie, INALCO.
Editorial Board:
- Tewfik Aclimandos
- Jeremy Allouche
- Frédéric Angleviel
- Christa Antoniou
- Claire Aslangul
- Viatcheslav Avioutskii
- Lionel Baixas
- Fabrice Balanche
- Matin Baraki
- Florian Baumann
- Philippe Baumard
- Jon Bingen
- Lincoln Bizzozero
- Nir Boms
- Christian Bouchard
- Philippe Boulanger
- Hamit Bozarslan
- Alberto Brambilla
- Albert Broder
- Jean-Marie Brohm
- Michel Bruneau
- Nicolò Carnimeo
- Michel Carmona
- Jorge Carrillo
- Svend Aage Christensen
- Gracjan Cimek, Antoine Colonna
- Gustavo Coronel
- Darc Costa
- Danijel Crnčec
- Étienne Damome
- Andrea De Benedittis
- Lorenzo Declich
- Igor Dekanić
- Dimitri Deliolanes
- Jean-Jacques Denis
- Ronak D. Desai
- Marcel Djama
- Bruno Drweski
- Mathieu Duchâtel
- Stéphane Dudoignon
- Recteur Gérard-François Dumont
- Emmanuel Dupuy
- Frédéric Durand
- Pepe Escobar
- Marie-Claude Esposito
- Hugues Eudeline
- Nathalie Fau
- Carlos Fazio
- Demostenes Floros
- José Luis Fiori
- Léon-Lef Forster
- Éric Frécon
- Francesco Galietti
- Pierre Gentelle (†)
- Kolë Gjeloshaj
- Alfonso Giordano
- Ekaterina Glod
- Jakub M. Godzimirski
- Sébastien Goulard
- Ba Hamzah
- Florentina Harbo (†)
- Lauric Henneton
- Bakyt Himy
- Consuelo Iranzo
- Fabienne Jagou
- Liana Jervalidze
- Roberto Kant de Lima
- Thierry Kellner
- Ijaz Khan
- Katia Kliouikova
- Lenka Kovacovska
- Laurent Lacroix
- Vincent Laborderie
- José Manuel Lamarque
- John Laughland
- Christian Lechervy
- Wu Lei
- Sylvie Lemasson
- Arnaud Leveau
- Daniel Lévine
- Marco Valerio Lo Prete
- Michel Makinsky
- Giorgio Meletti
- Oksana Mitrofanova
- François Muller
- Adeeb Munim
- Alexander Murinson
- Saïdou Nourou Tall
- Jean-Baptiste Onana
- Raphael Padula
- Antonietta Pagano
- Maria Paola Pagnini
- Thierry Pairault
- Mary Ann Palma
- Maura Parisi
- Jean-François Pérouse
- Valérie Rabassa
- Mujibur Rehman
- Michel Roux (†)
- Urban Rusnák
- Giuseppe Sacco
- Muhammed Saïd Sahib
- Ajai Sahni
- Michael Sander
- Maurizio Scaini
- Sylvain Schirmann
- Luigino Scricciolo (†)
- Philippe Sébille-Lopez
- Bernard Selwan El Khoury
- Ayesha Siddiqa
- Vladimir Socor
- Guldener Sonumut
- Nicholas Sowels
- Andreas Stergiou
- Henri Stern
- Gerd Strohmeier
- Tanguy Struye de Swielande
- Georges Tadonki
- Pierre- André Taguieff
- David Teurtrie
- Igor Tomberg
- Cecilia Tosi
- Comi Toulabor
- Anh Le Tran
- Jean-LucTrancart
- Lorenzo Trombetta
- Fabrizio Vielmini
Scientific Board:
- Élisabeth Adam
- Danièle Auffray
- Maurice Aymard
- Andrée Bachoud
- Jacques Bariéty
- Louise Bénat
- Yvonne Bollmann
- Michel Carmona
- Dominique David
- Olivier Dollfuss (†)
- Pierre Du Bois
- Michèle Duchet (†)
- Gérard-François Dumont
- Marc Ferro
- Olivier Frayssé
- Thierry Garcin
- Alain Guillerm (†)
- Michel Gurfinkiel
- Guy Hermet
- Olivier Herrenschmidt
- José Kagabo
- Claude Karnoouh
- Pierre Kipré
- Marc Lazar
- Philippe Levillain
- Daniel Lévine
- Bernard Lory
- Joseph Maila
- René Major
- Yohanan Manor
- Yves Mény
- Pierre Milza
- Edgar Morin
- Pierre Naville (†)
- Maria Paola Pagnini
- Gilles Pécout
- Jean-Robert Pitte
- Freddy Raphaël
- Jean-Claude Redonnet
- Jean-Christophe Romer
- Georges-Élia Sarfati
- Georges-Henri Soutou
- Charles Urjewicz
- Alfred Wahl
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